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Fort Bend County

Title VI Statement of Policy for Public Transportation

Fort Bend County is committed to a policy of non-discrimination in the conduct of its business, including the Title VI responsibility to deliver equitable and accessible transportation services. Fort Bend County officially formed the Public Transportation Department in June 2005 to provide residents with safe and efficient public transportation services while maintaining service quality and customer satisfaction.

The Public Transportation Department recognizes its responsibility to the Fort Bend County community in which it operates and to the society it serves. The Public Transportation Department will utilize its best efforts to assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under the Fort Bend County program of transit service delivery and related benefits. Further, the Public Transportation Department will utilize best efforts to provide equitable and accessible public transportation services to persons of low income and persons with limited English proficiency.

In order to comply with the Title VI requirements, the Public Transportation Department strives to accomplish the following objectives:

Ensure that the level and quality of transportation service is provided without regard to race, color or national origin;

Identify and address, as appropriate, disproportionately high and adverse human health and environmental effects, including social and economic effects of programs and activities on minority populations and low-income populations;

Promote the full and fair participation of all affected populations in transportation decision making;

Prevent the denial, reduction or delay in benefits related to programs and activities that benefit minority populations or low-income populations; and

Ensure meaningful access to programs and activities by persons with limited English proficiency.

The responsibility for carrying out Fort Bend County’s commitment to Title VI responsibilities rests with the Director of Public Transportation. All managers, supervisors, and employees in the Public Transportation Department share in the responsibility for making the Title VI Program a success.

Fort Bend County is committed to safeguarding against discrimination in its provision of public transportation services. Any person who feels he or she may have been discriminated against is encouraged to report such a violation to the Fort Bend County within 180 days of the alleged discrimination. Additional information concerning the Fort Bend County Title VI obligations and the complaint procedure can be found by calling

(281)633-7433 or on the county’s web site .

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